Opening Statement

Athena Yiamouyiannis
National Association for Girls and Women in Sports

Title IX Blue Ribbon Commission- Inequities in the Process

We, as Americans, rely on our government to "do the right thing" and provide equal opportunity for all. This is particularly important when reviewing civil rights regulations. However, a violation of public trust has occurred in regard to the Title IX Commission.

First of all, equal access is an American principle. Whatever your differences (rich or poor, black or white), you are supposed to have a proportional and representative vote and voice. This is not so, with the Title IX Commission, as the Department of Education selected an overwhelming majority of representatives from NCAA Division I-A. Ten of 15 voices on the Commission are from NCAA Division I-A institutions. There were no representatives from Division II or III, none from junior colleges, and none from high school athletics programs, even though the Commission is charged with reviewing the regulations for all these entities. The Department of Education has clearly stacked the deck from the start with individuals representing the wealthier, more powerful institutions who have a vested interest in weakening the law in order to comply.

With lack of equal representation, biased questions, clear manipulation of the process among other things, it is quite evident that the Commission is being used as a vehicle to push forth a pre-determined agenda to weaken Title IX. The system is being rigged to provide greater advantage to an already advantaged population. This is both wrong and un-American.