NCWGE National Coalition for Women and Girls in Education

May 2, 2001

Dear Representative:

The National Coalition for Women and Girls in Education (NCWGE), a nonprofit organization of more than 50 organizations committed to improving educational equity for women and girls, urges you to support Rep. Lynn Woolsey's Getting Our Girls Ready for the 21st Century amendment to the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. NCWGE believes that it is critical to promote educational equity for girls in areas such as science, mathematics, engineering and technology.

The Getting Our Girls Ready for the 21st Century amendment provides grants to elementary and secondary schools to encourage increased participation of girls in science, mathematics, and technology and to prepare them to pursue undergraduate and graduate degrees and careers in these areas. Girls face an alarming new gender gap in technology that must be affirmatively addressed. For example:

We urge you to support Rep. Woolsey's amendment to ensure that all students are equipped to succeed in the 21st century. If you have any questions, please call me at the National Women's Law Center at 202-588-5180.


Leslie T. Annexstein

Chair, NCWGE