NCWGE Letters on Single-Sex Education

November 2006:
Oppose DOE's Single-Sex Regulations

"On October 24, 2006, the Department of Education announced new Title IX regulations that dangerously expand authorization for schools to offer single-sex programs for their students. While single-sex programs can be beneficial and lawful in appropriate circumstances, the new regulations abandon long-standing legal safeguards that are designed to ensure that these programs will not result in sex stereotyping or discrimination. As a result, the new regulations authorize single-sex programs that will ill serve both male and female students and that could result in legal liability for the schools that offer them...."

January 7, 2004:
Oppose Federally Funded Gender Discrimination
in the Omnibus Appropriations Bill

"On behalf of its member organizations, the National Coalition for Women and Girls in Education (NCWGE) urges you to oppose the FY04 Senate omnibus appropriations bill based on the inclusion in that bill of a provision that would establish a federally funded voucher program for District of Columbia schools, allowing private and religious schools to discriminate on the basis of gender. We believe that the District of Columbia should not be a laboratory for exempting taxpayer-supported schools from federal civil rights laws...."

November 19, 2003:
Oppose Federally Funded Gender Discrimination
in the FY04 Appropriations Bill


"On behalf of its member organizations, the National Coalition for Women and Girls in Education (NCWGE) urges you to oppose the voucher provision while conferencing the FY04 Senate omnibus appropriations bill and the House DC Appropriations bill (H.R. 2765). NCWGE opposes this provision because it allows private and religious schools to discriminate on the basis of gender. We believe that the District of Columbia should not be a laboratory for exempting taxpayer-supported schools from federal civil rights laws...."

November 19, 2003:
Preserve Funding for the Wwomen's Educational Equity Act


"...we urge you to maintain funding for the Women’s Educational Equity Act (WEEA) as you negotiate differences between the House and Senate Labor/HHS Appropriations bills...."

July 8, 2002:
Letter to Gerald Reynolds, Asst. Secretary for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, on Single-sex Notice of Intent Comments

"...we express our opposition to and grave concerns regarding your May 8 Notice of Intent to Rule (NOIR) on amending the regulations of the Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. NCWGE believes that Title IX and its regulations serve as a crucial backstop to ensuring that all students have equal education opportunities...."

July 26, 2001:
NCWGE letter to members of Congress conferencing ESEA bill

Plain text

"On behalf of the National Coalition of Women and Girls in Education, we urge you to include gender equity provisions when you meet to reconcile the differences between the House and Senate Elementary Secondary Education Act (ESEA) reauthorization bills. . . ."