Title IX At 45:Advancing Opportunity through Equity in Education Title IX At 40 January
2008 Jan. 23, 2008 report of the NCWGE sets forth the
facts behind the headlines in six areas covered
by Title IX that have been focused on in recent
years: athletics in schools; education in the
"STEM" subjects (science, technology,
engineering and mathematics); career and technical
education; employment in educational institutions;
sexual harassment of students; and single-sex
education. "Thirty-five years after
the passage of Title IX of the Education Amendments
of 1972, the stunning progress brought by this
landmark civil rights legislation is evident in
womens unprecedented achievements in many
areas, including business, the professions, academics,
sports and public leadership. But, much remains
to be done, for the evidence shows that girls
and women continue to suffer discrimination in
many educational activities, although it is usually
in a more subtle form than it was before Title
IX was enacted...." |
2007 Female athletes are not receiving equal treatment or opportunities to participate 35 years after passage of Title IX. Although male and female participation in athletics has grown steadily, female students lag in every measurable category, including participation opportunities, receipt of scholarships and allocation of operating and recruitment budgets. Furthermore, female student athletes receive fewer athletic participation opportunities than their male counterparts. Thus, we have not yet reached the Title IX goal of gender equity. |
Title IX at 30: Report Card on Gender Equity is a follow-up to the 1997 NCWGE publication, Title IX at 25: Report Card on Gender Equity. This new report reasseses the law five years later and examines the state of gender equity in education in ten key areas: access to higher education, athletics, career education, employment, learning environment, math and science, sexual harassment, standardized testing, technology, and treatment of pregnant and parenting students. August 2002
Report to Title IX Commission
on Opportunity in Athletics: Report to members of Commission on Opportunity in Athletics examines the following issues in detail: (1) the Title IX law and its impact on athletics opportunities for women and men; (2) trends in the discontinuation of men’s and women’s teams; (3) financial issues facing schools and solutions; and (4) other issues raised by the Commission.
The NCWGE Report Card examines the state of gender equity in education in nine key areas: access to higher education, athletics, career education, employment, learning environment, math and science, sexual harassment, standardized testing, and treatment of pregnant and parenting students. The Report Card is comprised of progress reports that grade the nation's efforts to implement Title IX, based on a variety of indicators, such as women's participation rates, enforcement actions by the federal government, and legal developments. An Action Agenda, which accompanies the Report Card, provides concrete suggestions designed to create a blueprint for change and move us closer to achiving Title IX's goal of eliminating sex discrimination in education. |
2002: "...Throughout the year 2002,
we will work to ensure the promise of equality
of educational opportunity for all students, focusing
on the following priority areas: |
2001 Report: "This report demonstrates that without targeted funding and provisions in the law, programs for women and girls fall by the wayside," said Jill Miller, Executive Director of Women Work! and Chair of NCWGE's Vocational Education and Training Task Force. "The need for these programs is greater than ever, given the current economic climate." |