NCWGE Letters to Congress on Welfare Reform

August 28, 2006:
Letter to Office of Family Assistance (OFA) regarding reauthorization of the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program

"...we are writing to share our comments regarding the new Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) regulations released by the Department of Health and Human Services. NCWGE has concerns about the new regulations, which set out to define the activities countable toward the work participation rate requirements and which also describe how the states must monitor and verify the hours that TANF recipients participate in those activities. NCWGE believes that welfare programs should end the cycle of poverty and promote self-sufficiency through education and job training to help ensure that women are not locked into low-wage jobs....."

February 10, 2005:
Statement to the Committee on Ways and Means, Subcommittee on Human Resources Hearing on TANF reauthorization proposals

"...we urge you to increase access to education and training provisions to allow women access to jobs that will help them attain self-sufficiency in your consideration of any welfare reform reauthorization proposals this year. NCWGE believes that welfare programs should end the cycle of poverty and promote self-sufficiency through education and job training to help ensure that women are not locked into low-wage jobs...."

May 23, 2002:
NCWGE Principles for Welfare Reform

Plain text; Word document

... As Congress reauthorizes the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Acts of 1996, NCWGE believes that welfare programs should end the cycle of poverty and give states the flexibility to promote self-sufficiency through education and job training to help ensure that women are not locked into low-wage jobs. . . . "